
Friday, July 15, 2011

End of an Era

For me, the Harry Potter series ended when the last book came out. The movies have never been a huge deal for me, mostly because while it's wonderful to see the story on-screen, I get really mad at what they change and leave out. But with the last movie out, it's really over, and when I see it tonight, that particular landmark will have passed. However, I'm looking forward to Pottermore (hopefully I can get in on the beta!) much more than the last film, so I still don't really see the last movie as an end.

Anyway, today's mani is the one I had specifically planned on wearing the night I saw the movie. Though it's not the last Harry Potter mani you'll be seeing - far from it - I thought it would be particularly appropriate. The first picture shows my left hand, and the second shows my right.

indoors, artificial light
indoors, artificial light

I used Finger Paints Curator's Crimson, Orly Luxe, Nina Ultra Pro Like Butta, Orly Enchanted Forest with Nina Ultra Pro Salsa on top, China Glaze First Mate with two coats of Icing Electric Feeling on top, Nina Ultra Pro Brassi Bronze, Wet n Wild Black Creme, and Nubar nail art pens in black and white. I also used Nailene toe tip guides to tape off the stripes.

All in all, I'm quite happy with this manicure. It could've been much neater, as the macro setting on my camera clearly reveals, but the mistakes are much less obvious in person. I will say, though, I thought it was going to take me forever to get that "P" right, even with the book propped up in front of me!

If you've seen Deathly Hallows Part 2, what did you think? No spoilers, please!

I received the Nailene tip guides for review. For more information, see my disclosure policy.


  1. Why do you make so many link on my blog? The link is here and it's in the end of the post:

  2. I'm not sure what you mean . . . ?

  3. There are 12 link to your blog after the comments?

  4. Oh, I see...I have no idea! I mean, you're on my blogroll, but there's not a link to your blog posts in all of those posts...those links are all to fairly old posts, too. I'm sorry, but I'm just as confused as you are!

  5. Lol :) I'm confused to, Just thought it was you making those link, your on my blogroll, but it's really weird..?

  6. Yeah, I have no guess would be that it's a weird Blogger problem.
