Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Franken Week Day 3: Cinderella

Happy March! I'm so glad February is over; it's my least favorite month. Cinderella is a grey shimmer franken I made with Sally Hansen Wet Cement, Pure Ice Kiss Me Here, and Sally Hansen Diamonds. I wanted a pretty grey shimmer and wasn't finding what I wanted, so I made it! I made this before My Kind of Cool Aid came out, by the way...I'm realizing that they seem kind of similar. The funny thing is, I also frankened a red flakie shimmer quite a few months ago before Iconic came out. Apparently, great minds think alike! :) Anyway, Cinderella was opaque in three coats. When I put the first coat on, I was afraid it was going to be terribly sheer, but it's not. It is a bit dull without top coat, though, probably due to the bit of Orly Bonder that I didn't bother to clean out of the bottle. I used Rush top coat in the picture, which is for once totally color-accurate.

indoors, artificial light

I love it! It's not going to stop me from getting My Kind of Cool Aid, though...I think Cinderella is a bit more putty-colored because of Wet Cement, and I know MKoCA has a way better formula. Plus, I'm really excited to be able to support a fellow blogger - I just have to wait until I have enough money to get them all at once!