Like it says in the title - happy St. Patrick's Day! I hope you're all wearing green...I wouldn't want anyone to get pinched! Today, as promised, I have a green franken that I made. I liked the color of Sinful Colors Irish Green, but I knew that it was so sheer that I would never be able to build it to opacity. So, I added some Wet n Wild White Creme, and here we are! Unfortunately, the sun had gone down when I got home last night, and it refuses to come out this morning, so I only have indoor picures that aren't as color-accurate as I would like. The color of the polish is very close, but my fingers are NOT that color in real life. Also, Seche Vite gave me shrinkage. :/
indoors, artificial light
To give you an idea of how sheer this was before I frankened it, I still needed four coats after adding a very opaque white to Irish Green. I decided to name my franken Irish Spring, because it's St. Patrick's Day and it's almost spring and I wasn't feeling very original. And yes, I know there's a soap called Irish Spring. Anyway, I wore Irish Spring on its own yesterday, but today I added four coats Sinful Colors Green Ocean - I didn't really *need* that much, but I wanted lots of flakies.
indoors, artificial light (bottle shot)
As you can see, I had a really hard time getting even semi-accurate pictures of Green Ocean (EDIT: The sunlight pictures are accurate). It's a gorgeous flakie that flashes from blue to green to pink, but it's not easy to work with - the flakies are much thicker and sparser than those in Hidden Treasure, and after two coats of Seche Vite, I still have some bumpy spots where flakies would not lay down. It is very pretty, though, and I think it's worth a bit of hassle. I definitely want to re-swatch it, though, and see if it photographs any better with sunlight (DONE). So, expect to see this one again (this is probably still true...)!
Another new nail blog for you today...I'm coming across new nail blogs all over the place the last few days!
Again...Happy St. Patrick's Day!